Saturday, February 28, 2009

tiny ticket

Last work week has been a tight one. 4 flights in 3 days; to and fro Langkawi on Wednesday, to Kuching on Thursday and return to KL on Friday... AirAsia should really look at solving the delays in their flight schedule... 4 out 4 flights were delayed... that's 100% from my point of view. The 1st flight to Langkawi delayed for about 1/2 hour to refuel the Airbus. Return flight was delayed for 2 hours because "we don't know for sure, it's KL's arrangement"... The flight to Kuching was delayed for about 35 minutes and return flight was delayed for 50 minutes... "Murah maa..." said one man who sat next to me on the flight to Kuching. Yes, very true indeed. The airfare is very cheap... but I think a little bit more attention to customer's satisfaction will do no harm. Anyway, for the benefit of doubt, they may have strong reasons for the delays and I may not have the best knowledge to compare their performance with other airlines... Based on this experience, I would say go for AirAsia if you want to cut cost with real low priced air fare but if you want to be punctual for an appointment, I am not convinced with AirAsia, at least for now.

The flight to Kuching scheduled to depart at 3.25pm means I've to check-in before 2.40pm. It was a real rush since I only left Puchong at 2pm. Ironically, only the day before, before our flight to Langkawi, I told my colleague that I hate rushing and I never mind being very early than required for any occassion...

I managed to reach LCCT car park around 3.25pm, the car park 'chip-coin' machine was broken and they gave a tiny piece of photocopied ticket at the car park entrance instead. Ironically, in Langkawi the day before, while at Kuah Jetty car park, we saw a sign at the carpark exit counter that says RM30 fine for lost car park ticket. My colleague suggested that to make easy money they should make the parking ticket as tiny as possible so that it is easier to lose the ticket... and that was what I got at LCCT. It didn't take long before I realized that the tiny ticket was missing. While lining up for check-in I looked for it in my wallet and bags but didn't find it.

I was thinking to go back to the car after checked in and try look for the carpark ticket and maybe request the staff at the carpark entrance to produce a new one for me since I've just entered and there's chance that they'll remember me. But the check-in counter staff asked me to immediately go to the departure gate since it's about boarding time already.

In the hall, around 3.05 pm AirAsia announced that the flight is delayed, since the plane will only arrive at LCCT at 3.30pm, they appologized of course. So I thought I can use that time to go back to the car park. When I asked one staff at the gate for a transit pass (required to exit the departure hall), the staff is reluctant since if the plane arrive they will call for boarding and will wait for no one to close the gate. I understand the policy and reasons for it but it's kind of ironic because their flight is always late and she is warning me that there's no room for a paying customer to be late at all.

Arrived from Kuching, I failed to find the tiny carpark ticket in the car. I was penalised RM50 on top of the parking fees. In total, I have to pay more than RM100 to exit the car park. It was really frustrating to lose money in that way. It really was a lesson learnt the hard way. Ironically, when exiting the carpark at the Kuah Jetty, 2 days earlier, seeing the carpark rate was only RM0.30 per hour, and we were only charged RM0.60 in total, I said to my colleague, "I can even pay for 5 cars instead"... yes, at that moment, I said it jokingly but it really makes me think on the way back home from LCCT...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Makin kelam... hulurkan tanganmu!

Dalam keadaan ekonomi yang semakin sukar, hala tuju pun masih kabur, rasanya bukan saya seorang yang semakin keliru dan gelisah. Beban sedia ada sudah tak cukup tangan, bimbang bukan kepalang fikirkan masa depan makin suram. Saya bukan pakar ekonomi. Ilmu bisnes pun cuma lebih secubit daripada kering kontang. Tapi ingin juga bersuara dan kalau boleh ingin juga didengari. Ekonomi berdiri atas permintaan dan penawaran. Makanya bila tiada yang meminta, yang menawar loya-loya dan pening kepala. Harga diturun untuk menggoda, tapi kalau sudah habis untung dicukur, apa guna berniaga? Banyak sebab tiada yang meminta. Seluk kocek kiri, seluk kocek kanan, takkan nak dibayar dengan habuk? Ada juga yang poket tidaklah kosong tapi dirasakan baik disimpan saja duit yang ada, maklum sajalah, sampai bila ekonomi merudum pun tak boleh dinujum. Bila tiada yang meminta, jadi yang menawar pun jatuh tersembam. Yang menawar juga adalah yang meminta, maka bila yang menawar jatuh tersembam, tidak boleh lagi yang menawar jadi yang meminta, dan yang menawar kepada yang menawar pun akhirnya tidak mampu jadi yang meminta! Berbelit-belit? Hahaha... kalau yang itu memeningkan, baik jangan difikirkan soal ekonomi masa kini. Beribu-ribu telah hilang kerja. Beribu-ribu lagi cuma menunggu surat cinta dari majikan masing-masing.

Di kalangan kita ada yang bernasib baik, keadaan ekonomi sekarang tidak begitu menggigit. Malah ada yang lebih bernasib baik, andai kata ekonomi terus merudum pun masih lagi tidak tergigit. Persepsi umum adalah sektor awam tidak begitu terjejas. Kerana dengan izin Allah, tempoh hitam ekonomi ini tidak akan sampai ke tahap negara jatuh miskin papa kedana. Mungkin tidak tepat tapi itulah yang saya percaya. Sektor swasta sedang menggeliang-liut melepaskan diri dari cengkaman krisis ekonomi dan sektor awam mungkin ada jawapannya. Seperti pekerja swasta yang lain, saya perlu bekerja keras untuk mencari peluang. Kerana jika syarikat tersungkur bukan seorang dua yang merana. Saya meminta kepada mereka-mereka yang ada di kementerian, jabatan, agensi-agensi kerajaan serta GLC supaya bukalah pintu, dengarlah apa yang kami mampu tawarkan untuk faedah bersama.