This year they offered seven new models… this time the cars come with dynamic engine sound… u guessed it, I got all seven!… but that was not all… I got the yellow Enzo too!
I’m collecting toy vehicles as hobby… I especially love 1:64 scale die cast models... they didn’t take too much room and kinder to my wallet... my favourite spot to find car models is a shoplet in the Summit USJ (sorry, I can’t remember the name of the shop at this moment) because they have unique collection series from manufacturers not very common in Malaysia… u probably knew Hot Wheels and Matchbox... Check this out: or for something a bit different... here in KL, a 1:64 scale die cast toy price range is from RM 5 to RM 35 depending on make and uniqueness of a model... there is not many japanese car model available, so the price of one is usually on the high side...
Nissan Skyline GTR-34
Lightning McQueen (CARS - Pixar)
I’ll update when there’s new ride rolling into my garage... Vroom! Vroom!
love the way you describe me...
aritu ko kata ade kedai yg jual Enzo kuning tu?? mane dia?? aku nk jugak!!
alas... Enzo kuning tu cam pisang goreng, cam ubi kayu rebus masa hujan, cam karipap panas kat tepi sungai, cam tiket bas ekspres nak balik raya... sekejap je da abis.. tak sempat nk belikan utk ko... sori
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